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+201227693377 - +201227693388
+20552822690 - +201227693337
Secondary Trade Building Entrance No. 5, Fifth Area- Sheraton Heliopolis, Cairo.

Development of the extraction unit

The Arab Company for Pharmaceuticals and Medicinal Plants ( Mepaco –Medifood), is basically specialized in herbal remedies and preparation of herbal extracts as well as volatile and fixed oils. And due to the increased needs of these product either to fulfill Mepaco`s needs or to fulfill the needs of other customers that purchase herbal extracts or oils from Mepaco; it was deemed necessary to develop the extraction unit aiming to:

• Increase its production capacity.
• Introduce a new activity to the unit, i.e production of dry herbal extracts through the vacuum drying oven. So we become independent on other third party.
• Improve the quality of the products.
• Enhance the extraction process and in turn reduce the cost.
• Increase the local source of raw materials and reduce our dependence on importation of herbal raw materials.
• Increase the national balance of foreign many by reducing importation.

The development:

1- A new well-constructed industrial area.
2- The area is equipped with the latest version of needed equipment.
3- The area is well supported with the needed facilities i.e.: steam, compressed air, cold water, electricity, air condition.


Contact Us

Secondary Trade Building Entrance No. 5, Fifth Area- Sheraton Heliopolis, Cairo.
Phone: +201227693377 - +201227693388 +202 22673175 - +202 22673176
Email : Mepaco@mepaco–
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